The model highlights that only three dimensions are strongly treated: design processes for integrating products and services, definitions of new terminologies and considerations concerning planning and designing life-cycle phases. A maturity model is built to access the current PSS design across 20 dimensions. The methodologies are studied across their authors’ views and definitions of services, PSS and their objectives and challenges, along with the tools that have been developed. This paper seeks to understand the directions taken in eight state-of-the-art methodologies so as to identify common needs in future research. The field of PSS research is however not fully mature and many different methodologies are proposed for the PSS design. Product–service systems (PSS), motivated to fulfil customers’ needs, are seen as good strategies to face today's competitive business environment. A case study is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed integrated approach for prioritizing ECs in PSS conceptual design. From the requirements of manufacturer, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach is applied to adjust the initial weights of ECs taking into account business competition and implementation difficulty. In order to deal with the vagueness, uncertainty and diversity in decision-making, the fuzzy set theory and group decision-making technique are used in the super-matrix approach of ANP. From the requirements of customer, the analytic network process (ANP) approach is integrated in QFD to determine the initial importance weights of ECs considering the complex dependency relationships between and within CRs, P-ECs and S-ECs. The rating problem should consider not only the requirements of customer, but also the requirements of manufacturer. Rating ECs’ importance has a great impact on achieving an optimal PSS planning. ECs are identified by translating customer requirements (CRs) in the customer domain. Engineering characteristics (ECs) in the functional domain include product-related ECs (P-ECs) and service-related ECs (S-ECs). Identification of the critical parameters in these domains plays an important role. Since both product and services influence satisfaction of customer, they should be designed simultaneously. QFD is a widely used design tool considering customer requirements (CRs). A three-domain PSS conceptual design framework based on quality function deployment (QFD) is proposed in this research. Product-service system (PSS) approach has emerged as a competitive strategy to impel manufacturers to offer a set of product and services as a whole. The facilitator should try to lead the discussion on matching of the two elements. The match of value absence and value surplus could drive the value flowing from surplus to absence, resulting in the reduction of the two negative value elements. For example, the under-utilised space in a sector of a company (value surplus) could be utilised as storage required by another sector that needs more space (value absence).

Value opportunities could be captured by matching value absence and surplus, and reducing value destroyed and missed (as illustrated in Figure 1). As analysed above, value uncaputed is guided to be considered from the perspectives of value absence, surplus, destroyed and missed. The potential solutions to reduce value uncaptured are value opportunities. Each identified value uncaptured should be analysed deeply – the root causes of value uncaptured and how they can be reduced. Analyse the value uncaptured, and explore value opportunities.